Okay, so Christmas with the Harris' was actually on Saturday, but I just got the pictures uploaded a few minutes ago so that is why it is out of order. Please excuse me!
We had a nice morning of opening up presents and spending the morning together. Everyone had to wait to have breakfast for me because I had to go to the church for a drama rehearsal.

The boys loved their new ride on toys and spent most of the day riding them around and crashing into each other. The day was also filled with other fun activities like:

Neil and Wade decided to wrestle and prove their manliness. Neil dominated most of the match (sorry Wade!) but Neil was getting pretty tired by the end. Luckily our son saved him by crying thinking that Daddy was being hurt. And Marilyn guarded the TV!

The girls decorated gingerbread houses although they were actually made with graham crackers, they came out really cute!

We also did English crackers, a new tradition started last year. We had a lot of fun with them now that we know how to get them to make the pop sound. We look so cute in our paper crowns!
We had a great Christmas, we love you all!!!