With 2011 comes two resolutions for me and one key word for the year. Resolution #1: workout at least four times a week. Resolution #2: Blog as often as I can and do it as if there are thousands of people reading it! My key word for the year is BALANCE.
Okay, now let me explain these things and let you know my progress (which I will continue to do throughout the year). My first resolution to workout at least 4 times a week comes from the large amount of weight that I have gained back over the last 6 months due to the fact that I stress eat, and the last 6 months of my life have been STRESSFUL!!! So hubby and I bought a nice elliptical machine from Walmart and we have been using it often. So far so good, I am trying to build up my stamina and it will take some time but I am keeping up with it every other day right now plus doing lots of sit ups and stretching. To me, this gives me a chance to go into my bedroom and lock the door while letting my hubby take care of the kids, and I get to not only watch whatever movie I want to but I also get to do something for me and improve the way I feel about myself. Happier me, happier hubby and family... everybody wins!
Resolution #2 starts with my dream job: working on a design team for a scrapbook company. I guess my absolute dream job would be to become a member of the Creating Keepsakes Dream Team or be a Contributing writer for them, but I have to start somewhere. Now I have applied to several design team calls and although I have been told that my designs are great the weak point comes with my blog. I don't do it very often! It has become a place for me to post my pages and enter contests and that is it. This is not good! I have so many ideas not only for scrapbooking and general craftiness but also for oraganization and I will be doing a lot of work on my new house over the next year making this home a place that inspires me on a daily basis. So here I am (even though it is now January 4th!) better late than never. I am starting this now so be ready to hear from me a lot!
The last thing is my word for the year. This comes from Ali Edwards one little word project here and I have been contemplating my one little word for a couple of weeks now. This morning I was washing some dishes when I washed the water bottle that came with the elliptical, it said BALANCE on the side of it. It hit me like a ton of bricks. That was it... my word. Balance is what I try to achieve everyday of my life and although I often fail at it, it's still something to strive for. I need to balance the things that I have to do on a daily basis: cleaning, playing with my boys, doing something creative something for me, spending quality time with my girls after school, time with my husband, my facebook/farmville time, reading, photo editing.... I could go on and on but you get the point. This is what I want to focus on this year, balancing my life. I once heard an amazing speaker who talked about us as women being like a 4 legged table. Those legs being physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional. Unless all four legs are balanced then the table is not balanced. So this year I am going to work on being a more balanced table!
Alright so this has been a very text heavy blog entry to start off the new year but I wanted to get these things off my chest and let you know the direction that I am heading in this year. I think that I will work on a Highlights of 2010 post with lots of pictures that I never got around to posting!
Love it! I started a blog last year called "Balance, Balance, Balance" since this is my little mantra for my life...so you can see that I totally understand your focus :) We have so many "hats" in our lives and the key is working on balancing it all to be happy and keep those around us happy, too. Good luck on your journey and I look forward to following you on your blog. My blog only lasted half a dozen posts before deciding it wasn't for me at this time...hahaha.