
Friday, January 21, 2011

My Fancy Little Clock

I wanted to break up all of these organizing posts with a little something creative that I have done lately... My Fancy (and cheap) Clock!

Back when we were first moving into this house, we took that necessary trip down to Ikea with my parents, their suburban, and trailer, plus all four of my kids in tow. It was a crazy trip in good ways and bad and a reminder of why I don't live closer and go there more. But one of the things that I really wanted to pick up was this Ruche wall clock that I had seen altered on the American Crafts blog. And for only $1.99, how could I not pick one up and at least try to create something a little cuter? So I did and 3 months later I finally got around to playing with it! Here is what I did with this little clock and it will go in our Master Bathroom because I have no idea what time it is when I am in there getting ready!
I used the American Crafts rub-ons from the Blue Skies line which has been one of my absolute favorite collections of theirs. Our bathroom is brown and that same blue so these worked perfectly. I had a little bit of trouble getting this thing apart to figure out how to get it apart without breaking it but I love how it came out. I also used brown glitter thickers and had to glue them down to make sure that they would stay for a long time. Now I just need to get a battery in it and hang it up so everyday can start off a happy day!

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