
Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hiding Out at the Park

We are trying to win the battle against ants in our house! So we fogged it on Friday and then went to the park while the house aired out. Zach (our little dare devil) loved climbing on the playground while Gabriel cried most of the time and just wanted down.
I love this smile of his, the problem is that he knows that I think it is cute and so he gives it to me whenever he thinks that he is in trouble!
Neil hates it when I take pictures of him and he says that he doesn't know how to take a good normal picture. So while at the park, I started taking pictures of him while he was watching the kids and this is what I got from him when he was fed up with me clicking away! This will teach him to give me goofy faces! (EDITED BY NEIL. 5.21.09)
This child is so gorgeous! We are going to be in trouble when she becomes a teenager. I don't think we will ever be ready for it.
Zachary had a great time running around. He even was trying to throw his little basketball up to the big basketball hoop! We got the boys some cute little sandals and I love seeing their chubby toes.

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