
Friday, March 20, 2009

Going Green

Okay so it is a little late, but I wanted to show you what we did for St. Patrick's Day. This is a tradition that we started last year and the girls loved it so much that we decided to continue it every year. For dinner we had steak (it was some leftover that we had that we wanted to use, not green but yummy!) green beans, salad with green ranch dressing, green mashed potatoes, and bread with green butter. It was a great dinner!
We usually have mint chocolate chip ice cream for dessert but since we had gone to nubi after lunch we were a little tired of ice cream. Luckily, Grandma Harris had made these cookies for the kids and they made the perfect dessert without any work for me!
I bought hats at Target in the dollar section and even made Neil wear one!
The girls and I had a lot of fun and we ended the night watching the story of St. Patrick as told by Lufi and his flannelgraph in Veggie Tales!

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