
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Our Valentine's Day

We started off our morning by having these cute little heart shaped blueberry muffins for breakfast. I made them with a silicone heart muffin pan that I got at Target in the dollar section for $2.50! They were really yummy, Betty Crocker has the best blueberry muffin mix!
These are the sugar cookies I made. I got this idea from Lisa Bearnson's blog: On hard icing you stamp (with clean rubber letter stamps) the letter with red food coloring. I had to do each letter individually since my icing isn't exactly level.
These are the little cute ones that the girls helped put sprinkles on, their favorite part!
Katelyn and Bethany Grabel came out and babysat for us so we could go out for Valentine's Day! We got to go to the movies and see Pink Panther 2 (very funny)! Then we went to Chili's for dinner and had a very nice time, and we ended with Starbucks.

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