
Monday, January 26, 2009

i heart twins

It is only with having twins that you see eighteen month olds get ideas from each other (like sitting in daddy's chair), and then smile at each other because they know how awesome they are.
These two are so stinkin cute!

Here is the page that I did using Kaley's halloween picture, which even on its own is amazing. Then you add in Basic Grey's Urban Prairie paper line, some EK success Alice stickers, and my SLICE!! And you have heaven on paper! I do love how this page came out. The neat thing about the slice is that I cut the swirl at the bottom right hand corner at four inches and then cut the same swirl at two and a half inches. So it is the same and yet the proportions are different. I love it. FYI, Making Memories is coming out with 12 new design cards for the slice, only about half of those do I really have to have, lol!!

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