
Monday, December 22, 2008

A Really Incredible Day

We had the opportunity to go to Disneyland with our friends Amanda & Brian yesterday after church. I dropped the kids off with my mom & dad (thank you!) and we headed off to the Merriest Place on Earth. First we had to get lunch and so we went to Fuddrucker's, one of our favorite places. Yumm!
Then we went to Disneyland where we went on lots of rides like: Pirates, Thunder Mountain, Splash Mountain, and Toy Story (I beat Amanda!). We shopped and I got some more ornaments for my tree and we even got a cut-in-line pass because of some non-rule-following shoppers. So after the fireworks, which were amazing, we went on the Haunted Mansion and Indiana Jones.
To end our day, since by midnight we were finally starting to get hungry after the huge lunch we had, we stopped at the Hat in Brea and had chili fries and onion rings. We didn't get home until 2am, but we had an unforgettable day of fun and great friends! I love Disneyland at Christmas, which is why I try to recreate it at home!

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