
Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Chaos

We had a great Christmas Day, with the festivities being at our house this year. It was nice to not have to drive around with four kids. And Neil enjoyed cooking for everyone. The girls had a great time opening up all of their gifts. The biggest hits were Bailey the puppy that grows and even knows Madison's name. And Kaley with her first doll house.
The boys had more fun messing with everyone's presents than anything else. Although they did get quite a few things that they either could hardly wait for us to get them out of the box for them to start playing with or they fought over them! Like the Sesame Street guitar!
This was Christmas before the real chaos began! Unfortunately, we do not have a real fire place which seemed odd to not have one going on Christmas morning. So we turned on channel 5 which had Christmas music with an HD shot of a fire. Almost just like the real thing!
The girls wanted to leave cookies out for Santa so when they woke up in the morning they were surprised to see a note left for them.
We hope that you all had a great Christmas too!!

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