
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Pumpkin Patch

We went to a new pumpkin patch on the 28th, and really liked it there. The people were very nice and the prices were reasonable, plus there was lots for the girls to do!
Gabriel didn't want to stay still long enough for me to take a picture of him, but this is the best one that I got. He really wanted to explore.
Zachary is such a charmer!! He takes some of the best pictures.
Madison really liked picking out her own pumpkin this year and couldn't wait to go down the huge blow up slide!
Kaley finally found the perfect pumpkin and didn't want to get off of that giant slide. They went down it like 8 times!!
Today Neil fell off a ladder! No one should let him do these things! But he is feeling okay although a little sore.

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